Overview and history of the company

Company overview

Company name Japanese name 東京水道株式会社
English name Tokyo Water Co., Ltd.
Head office Location Shinjuku i-LAND Tower 37F, 6-5-1 Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 163-1337, Japan
Telephone +81-3-3343-4560
Founded August 1966
Established April 5, 2004
Representative President Kazusa Noda
Board of Directors Information about the Board of Directors (as of June 28, 2024) (PDF)
Capital funds 100,000,000 yen
No. of employees Approx. 2,800
Description of business 1.Pipeline facility management
2.Purification facility management
3.Consulting and research
4.Customer services
5.IT services
6.Other areas of business
Shareholders(Shareholding ratio) Tokyo Metropolitan Government (Bureau of Waterworks)(80.4%)
Sompo Japan Insurance Inc.(6.7%)
Mizuho Bank, Ltd.(5.0%)
Mizuho Trust & Banking Co., Ltd.(3.5%)
Tokio Marine & Nichido Fire Insurance Co., Ltd.(2.3%)
Fukoku Mutual Life Insurance Company(2.1%)
articles of incorporation Articles of incorporation
License Privacy Mark (Registration no.: 11820050(11))
JIS Q 9001:2015 (Quality Management System)(Registration no.: JUSE-RA-638)
JIS Q 27001:2014 (Information Security Management System)(Registration no.: JUSE-IR-010)
License for Worker Dispatching Undertakings (License no.: 派13-314681)

Organization chart


PUC Co., Ltd. TSS Tokyo Water Co., Ltd
1966 Incorporated foundation established with an office in Otemachi, Chiyoda Ward. 1966
1985 Head office relocated to Shinjuku Kokusai Building, and Shinjuku Center opened. 1985
1987 1987 Water General Service Co., Ltd. established.
1997 1997 Head office relocated to 6-14-1 Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo.
2001 2001 Renamed Tokyo Water Service Co., Ltd.
2002 Water rate network system for Tokyo Metropolitan Government Bureau of Waterworks launched. 2002
2004 PUC Co., Ltd. established. 2004
2005 Tama District water rate network system for Tokyo Metropolitan Government Bureau of Waterworks launched.
Customer Center operations for Tokyo Metropolitan Government Bureau of Waterworks launched.
2006 2006
The Tokyo Metropolitan Government Bureau of Waterworks adopts policy for construction of comprehensive operating structure and is designated by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government as a Supervising Organization. The Tokyo Metropolitan Government Bureau of Waterworks adopts policy for construction of comprehensive operating structure and is designated by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government as a Supervising Organization.
2006 Tama Customer Center operations for Tokyo Metropolitan Government Bureau of Waterworks launched. 2006
2008 2008 Ward area water service installation contract work launched.
April 2009 April 2009 Contract work for ward area water distribution pipe design and main pipe design and construction supervision work launched.
2011 Management of Bureau of Waterworks Tokyo Metropolitan Government office launched in ward area. 2011
2019 2019 Received the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare Award in the third Infrastructure Maintenance Awards for efficient leak detection method using time integration-type leak detectors. Tokyo Waterworks Day designated.
Apr. 1, 2020 Apr. 1, 2020
TSS Tokyo Water Co., Ltd. launched business as a comprehensive provider of water supply services. TSS Tokyo Water Co., Ltd. launched business as a comprehensive provider of water supply services.
2020 2020
Management of Setagaya office launched. Management of Setagaya office launched.
2021 2021
Management of Bunkyo office launched. Contract work to manage eight water supply stations in the southwest part of the ward area launched. Management of Bunkyo office launched. Contract work to manage eight water supply stations in the southwest part of the ward area launched.
2022 2022
Management of Katsushika office launched. Contract work to manage eight water supply stations in the northwest part of the ward area launched. Management of Katsushika office launched. Contract work to manage eight water supply stations in the northwest part of the ward area launched.
2023 2023
Management of Shibuya office launched. Contract work to comprehensively manage two purification plants aside from the Nagasawa Purification Plant launched. Management of Shibuya office launched. Contract work to comprehensively manage two purification plants aside from the Nagasawa Purification Plant launched.
2024 2024
Management of Arakawa-Sumida office launched. (Currently managing 12 of 23 offices.) Contract work for maintenance of Tamagawa water supply station launched. Management of Arakawa-Sumida office launched. (Currently managing 12 of 23 offices.) Contract work for maintenance of Tamagawa water supply station launched.

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