
    Handling of Personal Information

    Tokyo Water Co., Ltd.
    Shinjuku i-LAND Tower 37F
    Nishi-Shinjuku 6-5-1, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo
    Kazusa Noda, President

    【Acquisition, Purpose of Use, and Provision to Third Parties】
    Tokyo Water Co., Ltd. shall acquire and use personal information only to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose of use of such information for our business activities mainly in system-related consulting, building, operating, and business operations services. When we request that a person provide us with their personal information, we shall explicitly specify the purpose of using the information in advance to obtain their prior consent.
    Tokyo Water Co., Ltd. shall not provide third parties with a person’s personal information of a person without the person’s prior consent, except under certain conditions.

    【Request for Disclosure of Personal Information, or Lodging a Complaint】
    With respect to personal data retained by TSS Tokyo Water Co., Ltd., if you make a request for notice of the purpose of use, disclosure, correction, addition, deletion, suspension of use, suspension of provision to third parties, or disclosure of records of your personal data, or lodge a complaint concerning the data, you will be requested to lodge the request or complaint by yourself or your agent following prescribed procedures.

    • Retained personal data not subject to requests for disclosure, etc.
      1)Data not falling under “retained personal data”: Personal data handled by TSS Tokyo Water Co., Ltd. on behalf of a third party, or other personal information TSS Tokyo Water Co., Ltd. has no authority to disclose or otherwise handle

      Examples: Contract or application details related to water supply, water rates or leak repairs, or other personal information related to water supply services

      2)Data not subject to requests for disclosure, etc. under the provisions of Article 33 of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information
      ・Data that, if disclosed or handled improperly, is likely to harm the life, body, property or other rights or interests of the person in question or a third party

      ・Data that, if disclosed or handled improperly is likely to seriously interfere with the proper implementation of the business of TSS Tokyo Water Co., Ltd.

      ・Data that, if disclosed or handled improperly, would violate any other law or regulation

    • Fill in the form designated in request procedures for disclosure, etc., 3. “Request form for disclosure, etc.,” and then send the form by mail to the address provided below with enclosing 4. “Identity verification documents” and 5. “Disclosure request fee.”
      We also accept the procedure by bringing 3. “Request form for disclosure, etc.” In that case, we will check the original of 4. “Identity verification documents.”

      Shinjuku i-LAND Tower 37F
      Nishi-Shinjuku 6-5-1, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 101-0047
      Tokyo Water Co., Ltd.
      General Affairs Division, General Affairs Department, Administrative Headquarters

    • Request form for disclosure, etc.: Download the request form from “Form: Request form for disclosure, etc. of retained personal data” attached to the “Handling of Personal Information.”

    • Identity verification documents: 1) Procedures by the person in question: • A copy of the person’s driving license, Individual Number Card, passport, or other photo-bearing document that allows the identification of the person (containing the name and address of the person who is requesting disclosure or other handling within the valid period)
      In the case of submitting any document other than the above photo-bearing official documents, a copy of any two of the certificate of residence, any health insurance card, a certified copy of the family register, and an abstract of the family register of that person (prepared within 30 days prior to the date of requesting disclosure or other handling) • We will check the originals of the above documents if the person brings them.

      2)Procedures by proxy: If the procedures are carried out by proxy, the documents provided below shall also be submitted in addition to the documents for the procedures by the person requesting disclosure.
      ・Power of attorney for representation (in any form, containing the name, address, signature and seal of the person in question, the name and address of the person’s agent, date of delegation, and the fact that the person delegates the agent to lodge a request for disclosure or other handling)
      ・In the case of a legal representative (person with parental authority), either a certified copy or an abstract of the person’s family register • In the case of a legal representative (guardian of an adult), a copy of either the certificate of registered information or a certificate issued by the family court, which certifies adult guardianship
      ・In the case of a legal representative (guardian of a minor), a copy of a certificate issued by the family court certifying minor guardianship (written ruling of the commencement of guardianship), or either a certified copy or an abstract of the guardian’s family register • In the case of an attorney at law as an agent, a document showing the attorney’s registration number
      ・Legal representative and agent: A copy of the person’s driving license, Individual Number Card, passport, or other photo-bearing document that allows the identification of the person (containing the name and address of the person who is requesting disclosure or other handling within the valid period)
      ・Legal representative and agent: In the case of submission of any document other than photo-bearing official documents of the person in question, a copy of any two of the certificate of residence, any health insurance card, a certified copy of the family register, and an abstract of the family register of that person (prepared within 30 days prior to the date of the request for disclosure or other handling)

    • Disclosure request fee: Pay the following fee using a fixed-amount postal money order: Fee for disclosure, etc.: 700 yen

    • Responding to requests for disclosure, etc.: We will respond by the method designated by you, using the notice of determination on request for disclosure or other handling within 30 days from the day following the date of the request for disclosure or other handling. Methods for responding include sending an electronic file in addition to sending by mail.

    Contact point for requests for disclosure, etc. of personal information and complaints

    Personal information protection manager: Tokyo Water Co., Ltd.

    Contact point: General Affairs Division, General Affairs Department, Administrative Headquarters
    Telephone: 03-3343-4561

    Certified personal information protection organization

    Certified personal information protection organization:

    Japan Institute for Promotion of Digital Economy and Community

    Where to lodge a petition for resolving a complaint:

    Secretariat of the certified personal information protection organization


    1-9-9 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0032


    0120-700-779 (toll-free)
    【The above is not the contact point for goods or services of TSS Tokyo Water Co., Ltd.】

    Protection of Personal Information

    Acquisition, Purpose of Use, and Provision to Third Parties

    • Tokyo Water Co., Ltd. shall acquire and use personal information only to the extent necessary to achieve any of the purposes in the following items for our business activities mainly in system-related consulting, building, operating, and business operations services.

      When we request that a person provide us with their personal information, we shall explicitly specify the purpose of acquisition and use of the information in advance to obtain their prior consent.

      (a)Utility bill calculation service, salary calculation service and other consulting services related to information systems, service for building and operating information systems and computer network systems, information process service, and business operations service

      (b)Management of contractual relationships with business partners

      (c)Management of personnel affairs of and attendance by employees, etc.

      (d)Employment screening

      (e)Responding to inquiries

    • Tokyo Water Co., Ltd. shall not provide third parties with the personal information of a person without that person’s prior consent, except in the following cases.

      (a)Where it is based on laws and regulations

      (b)Where there is a need to protect the life, body or property of an individual and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person in question

      (c)Where there is a special need to improve public health or promote the sound upbringing of children, and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person in question

      (d)Where there is a need to cooperate with a national government agency or a local government, or its contractor in performing the functions prescribed by laws and regulations, and if the consent of the person in question is obtained, it is likely to interfere with the performance of those functions

      (e)Where the handling of personal information is contracted out to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose of acquiring and using the information

      (f)Where personal information is provided as a result of the succession of business due to a merger or other reasons

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