
Waterworks IT service

System development

We provide a wide range of systems that form the core of and act in coordination with the water rate collection work system and the call center system.
In recent years, for example, we have been offering systems to support the Bureau of Waterworks Tokyo Metropolitan Government in promoting the strategic utilization of ICT, such as the use of a smart meter reading system.

System maintenance

We cover all aspects of system maintenance, including the updating of systems to ensure that they comply with revised laws and improve their functions as well as the troubleshooting of system and device faults.

System operation

We provide a comprehensive package of services for the operation of water rate collection work systems that complete all processes—including around-the-clock on-line batch processing, data entry, mass printing, form controls, binding, enclosing and sealing, and delivery—within a data center that ensures robust security and thorough protection against disasters.

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